The originality of the team relies on the convergence between basic research in cognition and especially in human communication, and translational research focused on the evaluation of biotherapies such as cell transplant and gene therapy in neurodegenerative disease (Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson Disease…).

The clinical research projects we developed are based on the original concept of interventional neuropsychology, which means that we can study cognitive functions not only through their decline but also through their restoration following therapeutic intervention. In order to improve treatment and care of patients affected by degenerative diseases, such as Huntington Disease, Parkinson Disease we capitalize on our expertise in cognition and especially in language and social cognition to develop new cognitive tools for the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of patients.

The team is located in two sites thanks to its a joint-label Ecole Normale Supérieure - Université Paris Est (ENS-UPE), being part of the Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB; UPE, Creteil) devoted to clinical research and of the Labex (network of excellence) Institut d’Etudes Cognitives (ENS, Paris) focused on neurosciences and cognitive research. NPI also belongs to the DHU PEPsy (2013), a Universitary hospital structure. NPI activity relies on the National Reference Centre for Huntington disease (AP-HP; Henri Mondor Hospital; Creteil).

The NPI threefold approach :

  1. Healthy adult experimentation, in order to establish cognitive models of language and social cognition.
  2. Development of new line of cognitive assessments for small cohorts of patients with neurodegenerative disorders and stroke
  3. Development of personalized monitoring of cognitive and social functions to obtain real word evidence of patient health.

NPI is linking biological skills (research in bio-markers; imaging: ERP, PET scan, genetics) and behavioural research (experimental psychology) thanks to collaboration with CEA and IHU-A-ICM.


  1. Méthode d’évaluation des troubles acquis du langage. Jacquemot, Dupoux, AC Bachoud-Lévi (2016). FR1654259-1000347038. Institut National de la Protection Industrielle, 12/05/16.
  2. CogRT-kit: Brief test for complete cognitive neuropsychological assessment. De Diego Balaguer, Dupoux E, Bachoud-Lévi AC . 20/08/2008 French APP deposit (IDDN.FR.001.340011.000.S.P.2008.000.31230)

Invention disclosure statement

  1. CALAP : Test de diagnostic de l’aphasie. Jacquemot, Dupoux, Bachoud-Lévi. Soleau 527986, Institut National de la Protection Industrielle, 12 January 2015.
  2. CATEX: Test cognitif pour les maladies neurogénératives. Jacquemot & Bachoud-Lévi. Soleau 532539, Institut National de la Protection Industrielle, 4 March 2015